All you have to do is...
- Build a product people want
- Find customers
- Provide exceptional service
- Hire talented people
- Get those talented people to work well with each other
- Constantly evolve as your customers and industry evolve
- Ship features quickly enough to keep up with AI and competitors
- Fund it with your own paycheck or savings or talk to hundreds of investors to get one to invest
- Comply with global tax laws
- Try not to cry when you see your first payment dispute
- Avoid running out of money
- Hope you never get sued for some bogus reason
- Manage the backlash of unhappy customers publicly complaining
- Balance work-life in a way that doesn’t result in total burnout
- Try not to get in trouble with GDPR or other data privacy regulations
- Handle the inevitable roadblocks that set your project back weeks
- Appease investors with quarterly reports and answering a barrage of existential questions
- Wake up at 3am to handle a DDoS attack on vacation
- And of course, always be prepared to pivot your entire business on a dime
I can’t believe more people don’t do this.