Corey Haines
October 8, 2024

Christians who curse

I don’t think swearing is wrong.

Very occasionally, and usually paired with some comedic timing, I’ll drop a fuck, shit, or damn. There are certain words with sexual implications that I think are gross, so I avoid those. But yeah, I’m a Christian who curses sometimes.

And here’s why…

Does the Bible explicitly tell us that using curse/swear words is a sin? No.

Does the Bible explicitly tell us that tearing people down with our words is a sin? Yes (Ephesians 5:4, Colossians 3:8, James 3:6–10, and Proverbs 4:24). But stubbing your toe and yelling “you piece of shit!” at a table leg is completely different than looking someone in the eye and yelling “you piece of shit!”

Does the Bible explicitly tell us that taking the Lord’s name in vain is a sin? Yes (Exodus 20:7). But taking the Lord’s name in vain is misrepresenting God, doing something sinful allegedly by God’s command, or interpreting a verse to mean what you want it to mean. It’s not uttering “oh my god.”

Does the Bible explicitly tell us to be “above reproach” and to not let “unwholesome talk” come out of our mouths? Yes (1 Timothy 3:2 and Ephesians 4:29). But most swear/curse words are made up words that have associated meaning. You can talk unwholesomely without cursing. It’s the content and context of the subject, not whether or not there are swear words involved, that makes remarks unholy. Jesus called people “fools,” so why can’t I call someone a “dipshit” sometimes? (Only if they’re acting like one… of course)

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying it’s cool or okay to swear like a sailor. Do your own research, make your own decisions, and be sensitive to your audience.

I just can’t help but notice that there are Christians who won’t swear, but will frequently watch porn. Or they’ll tell me not to swear, but don’t care if I get drunk.

Matthew 7:3 says, "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"

If cursing is the worst thing a Christian does, they’re doing just fine.

If I made a list of every possible sin I could commit and order it according to how offensive and damaging that sin is, I would put cursing at the very bottom of that list.

I’d rather be a Christian who curses than a Christian who lies, steals, cheats, or murders.

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